Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Almost summer - goody

It has been about 95 degrees every day this week, and it's not even summer yet! Fortunately, big, strong hubby and little, weak Jana got the air conditioner installed over the weekend. We have a big window unit, but rather than take up a window with it, we cut a hole in the end of the house, sealed all around it, and then stuck the air conditioner in the hole. If you've never tried to carry a large air conditioner up a ladder, let me tell you it is no small task. But we got it done, transforming our upstairs into a virtual winter wonderland. Now I can sleep comfortably and not wake up in a puddle of sweat.

I'm thinking now it would be a good idea to buy a summer home in Australia or New Zealand. Then we could always stay where it's winter.

1 comment:

  1. yes... airconditioning is heaven-sent! but i'll be moving to Switzerland if i had my way!;)
