Friday, August 19, 2005

Stress Portrait Friday

Well, last week Katy wanted to see how we relax. This week she's asked to see what stresses us out. I have to admit I don't look too stressed out in this picture. This is my boys' room, and I look relatively happy because when I first walked in, it looked pretty good. A few trains on the floor, a blanket there in the foreground, but not so much stuff that I couldn't walk in and sit down.
However, let me assure you that three boys plus 2.7 million toys (I wish I were exaggerating) is one whopping recipe for stress. Sometimes I can't even look in their room. And once I was in there this morning and began looking around, I saw this:

That's their $100 train table, covered in toys. I appreciate that they cleaned up the floor; they did a good job and they got a reward. But scenes like this just stress me out. And look at the bottom bunk:

Poor Joshua hasn't been able to sleep in his bed for weeks! I look at this and I can just feel my heart pounding faster and my blood pressure rising. And after looking in their room, this is how I usually feel.

Have a great Friday!


  1. LOL - My boy's room stresses me out too!... I'm SOOO tired of picking it up.

  2. Boys boys boys, what can we do?? YOur last photo is how I feel about it too!

  3. Allright Jana, have you seen that show Clean Sweep? I am on my way. I have done my neighbor's house three times already. Man, she is a major packrat.

  4. Yes I put pics of my son's room. I hate to tell you it never ends....LOL. Happy SPF!

  5. That is a stressful look you got going on there.LOL

  6. GAH! That looks like my child's room!

    And the playroom.

    And the den...HELP! LOL
