Monday, September 05, 2005

Attack of the Killer Tomatoes

My oldest son does not like tomatoes. He doesn't make any bones about it. If a dish contains any visible tomatoes, he will not eat it (though I can always slip them into pasta sauce). Okay, fine. I can accept that some kids have certain foods they don't like. I can accept that he picks all the tomatoes out of his chili or his casserole before taking bite one.

However, the other day I asked him to come help me pick some tomatoes in the garden. You would have thought I was casually requesting that he handle poisonous snakes. He squealed like a hurt pig and ran in the other direction. He wouldn't even look at the tomatoes. What's up with that?

So the tomato vines are rapidly taking over the garden. I planted them in the corner and they are now covering fully one eighth of the area we cultivated. They've interwoven with the squash plants and the pepper plants and are producing tomatoes at an alarming rate. Actually, now that I think about it, that is a little scary.

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