Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Road trip!

This week, Mama Duck has given us the topic of road trips for Way Back Wednesday. Now, my particular group of friends didn't have a car between us until senior year, and then we were all too busy to go anywhere. However, we spent a semester of junior year in London, and every weekend was a road trip! So here are my favorites:

In London, we hit the famous address of 221B Baker Street, the home of Sherlock Holmes. The famed detective wasn't in at the time, so we tried on his hat and pipe.

We also attempted a mutiny on the Cutty Sark, but were foiled when we discovered that it hasn't actually been anywhere in a long time. It just sits in the dock at Greenwich looking pretty.

One weekend we ventured to Canterbury. I don't recall all the details, but I know I said something derogatory about Chaucer, and obviously they didn't take too kindly to that.

Naturally we made the obligatory road trip to the plains of Salisbury to view Stonehenge. They don't let you get too close. I guess ever since the Griswalds backed into one of those uprights and knocked the whole thing down, they've been a little leary of foreigners.

Finally, we took a ride on the Beatles' Yellow Submarine. I didn't see any blue meanies, but maybe that's because I don't ingest the types of substances the Beatles did.

I hope you enjoyed our road trip through England! Did you play?

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