Thursday, March 02, 2006

How much do I hate migraines?

Last night I had a horrible migraine. As I lay there in bed, trying to fight the feeling that I was about to throw up (I won - yay me), I started thinking about all the things I would rather experience than another migraine.
  • You know when you're erasing a chalkboard and your fingernails accidentally scrape against it? Much more fun than a migraine. I would do that for an hour straight rather than have another migraine.
  • I don't know if you've read much 18th century literature, but let me tell you it's painful. I took a whole semester of it in college. Fortunately, my roommate took it too, so we got to suffer together. Still, I'd rather be forced to read George Eliot than have another migraine.
  • Have you ever played Monopoly with someone who doesn't buy much of anything at the beginning of the game? I mean, the whole idea of winning is to own the whole board, and they land on something and they have the money and they decide, no, they'll skip it. What's the deal with that? And then the game goes on and on and on as they refuse to buy houses but somehow manage to avoid landing on your hotel-laden properties. But I would rather do that than have a migraine.
  • I would rather be locked in a room with all the American Idol rejects singing to me for eight hours straight than have a migraine. Oh, wait, that's the best part of American Idol. Never mind.
  • Labor. I know you're thinking I'm nuts, but I have often had migraines last three days. Labor is over in less than 12 hours for me. Plus, you get a baby at the end. What do I get for all my suffering with a migraine?
  • I detest watching most sports on television. Even worse is watching people talk about sports. Yet I would watch 24 hours straight of ESPN if I thought I could escape a migraine.

I think you get the point. Anyway, I am fortunate that this morning, the migraine is mostly gone. There's still a nugget of pain in the right side of my head that's threatening, so I'm going to take more medicine shortly. Hope you all have a great day!

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