Want this button?Welcome to Marriage Monday! This month's topic is Our Wedding Day. I happen to have been a June bride, and this 20th will mark 16 years of wedded bliss. Let me tell you about our wedding...
Since I was finishing college that year, I left most of the details to my parents. I knew they'd make everything perfect because they'd been in the wedding photography business for a long time. They'd seen what worked and what didn't, what was unique and what was cliche, and they had very definite ideas about what I should have at my wedding. Of course, they consulted me, but I don't remember raising any objections.
The location we found was a hotel/restaurant on Pier 6 in Baltimore. Not only did they have the best prices we'd seen for a reception, but they would let us have the ceremony out on their patio for no extra charge! We had a perfect day for it, with the sun behind the clouds to keep us all from being too hot, and sail boats gliding in and out of the Inner Harbor.
We stayed in the hotel, and had stayed up too late the night before. Hubby and I met out on the patio where the ceremony would take place and talked for hours. I helped him finish writing his vows because, of course, he'd waited until the last minute! Then I went to bed, and he stayed up most of the rest of the night talking to his brother!
But you never would have known it. The ceremony went beautifully. I still think there were too many songs, though. My mom wanted particular songs, and I wouldn't budge on having the two I wanted: "I Will Be Here" by Steven Curtis Chapman, and "Love With Me" by Keith Green. So it was a lot of singing. But all beautiful, so I hope the guests didn't mind too much!
The reception took place in a beautiful octagonal room with windows all around, so the guests could take in the view of the harbor. We had chicken and crab cakes, and while I heard they were delicious, I didn't really get a chance to eat much! We walked around greeting the guests and talking to our friends, many of whom had come from pretty far away to be there with us.
All in all, it was a perfect day. I can't think of anything we should have done differently or could have made better. Now, the honeymoon is another story...