Wednesday, June 14, 2006

A few updates and such

No WBW this week - I have no picture of myself in a tub that I can access at this point in time :(

So, I will give you a few updates as to what's been going on around here. My parents are here in their coach and will be until next Wednesday. Mom and I have been working in my front weed patch garden and have got it looking pretty decent. Now we just need about a ton of mulch to finish it off. The boys have finished their "official" school for the year, though of course there will be numerous learning opportunities throughout the summer.

I am 90% sure I'm going to keep Joshua home again and just try to be very relaxed and not stick to any really strict curriculum. I've been researching my options and there are tons of nice curricula to choose from. If it's not working, then he will be enrolled in private school mid-year, but I'm very hopeful that changing the way we "do school" around here will change his attitude. It definitely did with Caleb, and he was MUCH more difficult than Joshua from the beginning!

I have lost a grand total of six pounds so far just by dieting. Now I have to get myself in gear and add some exercise. My muscles definitely got a workout pulling weeds, but I need to get some aerobic activity in there, too.

I've also started the Clean Heart, Clean Home Challenge. Sort of. It has way too much stuff for me to keep up with, so I'm just trying to do the devotions and the cleaning. So far I've cleaned out my vehicle. Today I'm going to clean the front door area outside, including windows. Tomorrow I move on to the living room. It's a 52 day schedule, so it'll take a while, but I hope to be rewarded with a sparkling-clean home and a bit of organization. And maybe I'll find a few things I haven't seen in two years. I just found my bathrobe the other day! (Not in the car - just during some unrelated cleaning).

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