Friday, January 04, 2008

Now that's cold

I've just done a cat scan of the weather. Smokey, who usually goes out and stays out all day, just asked to come back in, and it's not even 10 yet. Yes, friends, it's too cold for the cat to want to be outside, and he's got a fur coat!

If you want me, I'll be huddled by the coal stove.


  1. ohhh poor kitty!

    Snuggle up and read a good book!

  2. Now that's cold! They'll be looking for a warm lap to curl up on..

  3. Our big lab is the same way...and right now it's all rainy and windy here in the NW...not fit for man nor beast! ;)

    Wishing you a very Happy New Year, Jana!

  4. Getting some good chuckles here tonight! "Cat scan"... now THAT's a clever weather indicator.

    Yes, flannel can be very sticky business.


  5. If the cat was cold, it must have been cold.

  6. I can't blame Smokey. It has been bitter cold here, too. I can't even stay warm inside the house with multiple layers on.

  7. Brrr. I am sending some warm, humid coastal air on up to you!
