Saturday, November 25, 2006

But before I go...

That's right - 50,000 words in only 24 days! I deserve a vacation.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Bon voyage!

Tomorrow, Hubby and I set sail for a glorious, five night, no children included cruise!

Come back next Friday for pictures!

I'm going to go shopping now.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!

To all my fellow Americans, have a wonderful, blessed Thanksgiving Day!

To all my international readers, just have a great day, period!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Lap of luxury

Last night, we took my laptop outside and watched Sunday's episode of Desperate Housewives online while lounging in the hot tub.

I tell you, I could get used to this.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Coming down the home stretch

I got to this point last year when I was doing NaNoWriMo, the point where everything is coming together and humming along and looking good. The problem is that I'm still many thousand words from the end. This is the point when I start making things up. And it's usually the point of my greatest inspiration.

I know a lot of writers plan their novels ahead of time. I have read articles in writing magazines about outlining, writing characters backgrounds, laying out every step ahead of time. But I have never done that. I just lack the motivation, I guess.

I once read a quote from J.K. Rowling, in which she said something about her plot not going where she expected, and basically that her characters were doing things she hadn't planned on. To a non-writer this might sound like insanity. I mean, you're the writer - you decide what the characters do. But as a writer, I knew instantly what she meant. Every time I write, my characters end up doing things I don't expect.

Just last night, my main male character's best friend revealed a shocking secret. I stayed up until almost 1 getting it into the computer. He might not have felt as amenable to confessing this morning. And to think I thought he was just a likeable side character.

People will surprise you. Even the fictional ones.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Finally in FL!

We arrived in Florida last night, after many hours of driving and not a few hours of screaming. I'm exhausted, but not from the trip.

While we were driving here, someone hijacked our Ebay account and listed a bunch of stuff for sale, all of them one day auctions. Then when people bought the stuff, the money went to this guy's paypal account, but all the charges for the auctions went on mine. Needless to say, I was not happy.

So, I have to say Ebay was right on top of things and credited all but a few dollars back to me (I just emailed them asking why there's still $5 on my account). They canceled all the transactions and removed them from my account, and now, hopefully, all is resolved. I feel bad for the people who sent this guy money, because they thought they were buying from me, someone who has 100% positive feedback. Now, they're out $100 each, or more. I'm sure Ebay and Paypal will help them out, too, but it's just sad.

The really scary thing is that I would not have noticed this until we got home because I would have no reason to be surfing Ebay while on vacation. The only reason I found out was because some interested buyers sent me messages through my regular email.

So if you have an Ebay account, keep a regular watch on it. And Ebay recommends making your email password and your Ebay password different, which I hadn't done until last night. I'm going to go change all my passwords now. I never EVER click on phishing email, and I still got taken, which just goes to show you that you can never be too careful.

Friday, November 17, 2006

SPF - Epilepsy Awareness

This week's SPF comes from Kelly, whose daughter has epilepsy.

Something you seize:Every opportunity I can to read, and also every opportunity I get to go to a book sale, I seize. I'm starting to resign myself to the fact that I will probably never get to read all the books I own. But that's okay, I'm not going to do anything crazy like stop buying them!

Something that shakes:Hey, there, how you doin'?

Something purple:My bedroom walls. Now, I know what you're thinking: that looks like a teenage girl's room. Right you are. The girl who had this room previously was a teenager. Will we repaint it? Oh, maybe someday. Right now I'm more interested in getting our new master suite finished than in repainting the tiny bedroom we're sleeping in. Besides, I like purple. My own bedroom when I was a teenage girl was purple.

Happy Friday, everyone!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Grr and other stuff

Once again, America has shown that it doesn't know how to vote. The winner of Dancing With the Stars was Emmitt Smith. Excuse me? The whole thing just ticks me off. He was not the best dancer. He was not even the second best dancer. He really wasn't as high as the third best dancer. What is with you people?? And the judges. The judges really need an 11 paddle because if they're going to give 10s to Emmitt, they need to be able to rate Mario accordingly. Grr.

The cyst I posted about on Monday is looking much better. I saw the surgeon yesterday and he was borderline about cutting into it. Then when I told him I was going on a cruise, he decided it could wait. I'm SO glad. I could just imagine having to clean and pack a butt wound twice a day while trying to enjoy a cruise. No thanks! So thank you all for your prayers - they definitely helped.

Today I take the seven year old to have his two top incisors pulled. He's already missing the two front teeth up top, so he's going to have a major gap up there until the new ones come in. It'll actually be pretty weird when they do, because he had the other two pulled when he was two. He's been toothless a long time.

Nano is coming write along (haha). I'm close to 30,000 words, which means I should be able to finish before the cruise and get my lovely winner's badge to post in my sidebar. Then I can get back to editing last year's novel.

Okay, before this turns into a novel, I shall go. Have a great Thursday, and don't forget the lesson we've learned from ABC - just because you're the best doesn't mean you'll get anything for it. I thought Karina was going to cry. I know I would've.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

WBW - Gifted

It seems someone over at TKW's place has a birthday coming up. So in honor of that, we're looking for old pictures involving presents. Here we go:

Christmas 1993, Shreveport, Louisiana. You can tell it's the 90s because of my lovely vest.
Same Christmas, same room, different day. Check out those glasses. And why do I look like I'm holding a pile of dog poo instead of presents? I must have been about to give them to someone else.
So, did you play?

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Hot coffee, Slim-Fast powder and milk in a sealed container will explode when shaken.

You have been warned.

Monday, November 13, 2006

A literal pain in the rear end

This post might fall under the heading of TMI, or it might just gross you out. You have been warned.

Thursday I noticed this painful bump in, shall we say, a sensitive posterior region. Now, I think most people get things like that from time to time, at least that's what I'd like to think, and I figured it would eventually go away on its own. Friday, it was so bad I couldn't sit comfortably, couldn't bend over, and couldn't lay flat on my back. So I had Hubby look at it, and he called my mom in, who is a nurse. She immediately told me to get to the doctor.

Saturday morning, the doctor confirmed my mom's diagnosis of a pilonidal cyst. It's extremely painful, it won't go away on its own, and in all likelihood I will eventually need to have it surgically removed. Oh, joy. I expect to hear from the surgeon today about scheduling an appointment for him to look at it. I'm hoping it can wait until after the cruise, though I don't really want to get surgery right before Christmas either.

At this point, it's ruptured and oozing (see, TMI). So the severe pain is gone. But (no pun intended) it's still somewhat painful. I'm trying to imagine riding in the minivan all the way to Florida like this when I couldn't even make it through the church service yesterday. I'd certainly appreciate any prayers and positive thoughts you could send my way.

Friday, November 10, 2006

SPF - Indecisive

Kristine has given this week's assignment and it is as follows:

Yes:Hubby, aka Mr. Handyman, installed deadbolts on two of our doors last night. And did a fine job, too, I might add.

No:Unfortunately, he didn't clean up all the sawdust he left on the kitchen floor.

But maybe I should forgive him since he's recently bought us cruise tickets - for just the two of us. Yeah, I think this is a no-brainer. I'll clean up the sawdust.

Love you, honey!

Did you play?

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Whose brilliant idea was this??

I have three words for you. Three words which, before last night, no one had ever heard put together in a single phrase. But three words which nevertheless combine in the individual innocence to create a phrase to strike terror into the hearts of LOST fans everywhere.

Fall. Season. Finale.

Who thought of this?? No new episodes until February?? Argh! It's great that they're going to give us 16 new episodes in a row with no reruns, but February? They ought to have waited until January like 24 does, and then shown the whole season all at once. I call this fall season finale thing cruel and unusual punishment.

So did you watch it? I literally screamed NO! when it ended. And now I have to wait for February? Stupid ABC.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Election results

A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it.

--Tommy Lee Jones in Men in Black
In response to the statement, "People are smart."

And that's all I have to say about that.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Last day of school

Co-op school, that is. This is the last day of my Knights and Castles class. I have to say that both times I've taught this, it has been the most fun I've had at co-op. The boys in the class (and the one girl) have been so much fun, and the cool thing is, they're really learning. When I ask review questions, even ones I would consider hard for a seven year old, they know the answers.

This week, we're going to watch a segment of the made-for-tv movie Ivanhoe. I'm not sure exactly when it was on television, but I know it was one of the first things we ever recorded after getting our fancy new VCR in 1981. So it was a while ago. Anyway, there's a wonderful tournament scene in the movie that's very historically faithful, and not gory. So the kids are really going to enjoy that.

And when I get home, I'm going to try to remember to look up that movie online and see if anyone has it on DVD.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Why am I hungry all of a sudden?

Hubby and I have never been into sports. In fact, one of the things I love about him is that he rarely watches sports on television. Every now and then we'll watch an Orioles game, and we usually catch the Super Bowl, but that's about it. However, I had no idea how little sports is mentioned around here until we were in Baltimore the other day.

Our hotel was only a few blocks from the stadiums. As we rode toward the harbor, Hubby asked the kids which team plays at the first stadium we passed. No one knew. So he said, "The Ravens." Then we passed Camden Yards and he said, "The Orioles play there."

My four year old, having never heard those names before, immediately turned them into "The Raisins" and "The Oreos."

Friday, November 03, 2006

SPF - The good, the bad and the ugly

Kristine's assignment this week is self-explanatory. I thought I'd use some pictures from our aquarium trip yesterday, 'cause it was just too easy to pass up.

The Good: Hubby took this picture of me holding the baby, and that's my four year old in front looking up into the tank. I saw it and thought, "Wow, that's a good picture!"

The Bad: This is one variety of the poison dart frog. We were fortunate to have my friend from high school, who has worked at the aquarium for many years, show us around. She told us that once these frogs are taken into captivity, they lose their poison. Apparently scientists haven't figured out what they eat in the wild that helps them produce the poison, but whatever it is, they don't get it in captivity, so they lose their poisonessness.

The Ugly:

This octopus was about the ugliest thing I saw yesterday. He wasn't doing much, either, besides breathing. Too weighed down by his own ugliness.

So, did you play?

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Something's fishy here

We're going to the National Aquarium in Baltimore today! Pictures to follow, I'm sure.

By the way, in case it ever comes up, it's a bad idea to try to sleep in a hotel room with a fussy, sick 22 month old. You will not sleep much and will get many funny looks from people at the included breakfast as you turn the coffee urn upside down over your head and guzzle its entire contents.

Disclosure Policy

I think this is a great idea, to silence any critics of bloggers who want to get paid for their opinions. I'm putting a link to this in my sidebar, so it's easily accessible.

This policy is valid from 30 October 2006

This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. This blog accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation.

The compensation received may influence the advertising content, topics or posts made in this blog. That content, advertising space or post may not always be identified as paid or sponsored content. However, the owner of this blog will clearly identify posts for which she has not been paid or compensated to give her opinion.

The owner of this blog is compensated to provide opinions on certain products, services, websites and various other topics. Even though the owner of this blog receives compensation for certain posts or advertisements, she always gives her honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the bloggers' own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.

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To get your own policy, go to the Disclosure Policy Generator.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

WBW - dum-da-dum-dum-DUMB

Now that everyone is recovering from their candy-induced comas, it's time to reveal the dumbest, stupidest, most awful picture of ourselves from the past, at least the one we're willing to reveal to the world on the internet. So, here's mine: I was 11 in this picture. We were on a trip to Hershey Park and it rained all day. And in true pre-teen snarky fashion, I was annoyed with the world for daring to rain on my day of fun at the amusement park. And when you're already annoyed with the world, the last thing you want is your camera-happy father taking your picture on some stupid ride. So my dad got this lovely shot. Hmm, my oldest son is almost 11. I sense rough waters ahead.

Go visit TKW to see other players. And scroll down to the next post, click through and vote for my kids in the costume contest.