Monday, November 06, 2006

Why am I hungry all of a sudden?

Hubby and I have never been into sports. In fact, one of the things I love about him is that he rarely watches sports on television. Every now and then we'll watch an Orioles game, and we usually catch the Super Bowl, but that's about it. However, I had no idea how little sports is mentioned around here until we were in Baltimore the other day.

Our hotel was only a few blocks from the stadiums. As we rode toward the harbor, Hubby asked the kids which team plays at the first stadium we passed. No one knew. So he said, "The Ravens." Then we passed Camden Yards and he said, "The Orioles play there."

My four year old, having never heard those names before, immediately turned them into "The Raisins" and "The Oreos."


  1. That's adorable !
    Did you visit city_livin while you were there? :)
    The aquarium sounded fun. The sick baby thing did not. But we have been doing the sick baby thing at home . No fun either !!!

  2. Tooooo cute! I would like to see a game between those...hehe

  3. I love it! Thanks for sharing :-)

  4. YUM! Too bad all sports teams didn't have food names!!!

  5. HEre very late for C&C Monday. That was a funny story.

  6. I will pass these on to my husband and son. They will laugh! (We're not into spectator sports at our house very much either.)

  7. Hahaha those sound much more interesting than the real ball team names!!!!
