There are not words to express how tired I am of that rental house. If we didn't have Hubby's brother and sister helping us out the past few weeks, I don't know how we could have gotten so much done. I will be SO glad when I can call the realtor next week and say, "Sell that sucker!" We have only the floor in the kitchen and the carpet in the living room and master bedroom to finish, plus lots of little touch-ups (a bit of paint here, a bunch of cleaning there).
The former tenant finally called me back (after three weeks, or has it been four) to say she was going to paint the house, but when she got there the locks had been changed. Well, sweetie, when you say you're going to do something and it hasn't been done three weeks later, we're under no obligation to keep waiting for you to do it.
We changed the locks because it had been three weeks since she moved out, and every time we came over either the windows were all open, the back door was sitting open, or both. And we brought lots of expensive tools over there so we could fix things, so we weren't going to leave them in an unlocked house that everyone on the block knows is empty. Not to mention that her ex with the bad temper still had the key. I'm sorry she went and bought paint and then couldn't use it, but she certainly could have called the next day and said, "Hey, I've got paint - do you want it?" Or "Even though I can't get in on my own, I'd love to come help you paint."
No, it was only when we threatened legal action that she bothered to call us. Which is just the way it is with some people. But she has at least said she'll pay the back sewer bills, which is something. Let's see if she follows through. She has until the 31st.
The kids are sick of going over there. I'm sick of going over there. I will be dancing in the streets when this is finished.