Thursday, April 07, 2005

Web surfing - cool, dude!

I will be the first to admit I've been spending way too much time on the internet lately. I check four different bulletin boards on Baby Center throughout the day, I google things that pop into my mind from time to time, I go to my blog and hit that "Next blog" button in the upper right to look at someone else's random blog. I can't stop - it's like a compulsion. The internet moves so fast, I'm afraid if I turn it off, I'll miss something.

Of course, it doesn't help that the school I'm using for 5+ hours a day is also online. So there I am in front of the computer anyway - might as well open another window while the oldest is reading or the five year old is painting and check my email and bulletin boards again! It's like making a drunk work in a bar and expecting him not to take a drink!

My latest thing is figuring out how to add stuff to my blog sidebar. I've found all sorts of cool things on other people's blogs and I want them on mine! See my new blogroll list? Cool, huh? And I added a button in my favorites so no matter where I am online, I can click once and add that site to my list. I'm having fun spreading the word about my blog, too.

You know, when Andy Warhol said that in the future everyone would be famous for 15 minutes, I don't think he could've envisioned the internet. But he was absolutely right. There are people out there with websites and blogs that get thousands of hits a day, and people all over the country "know" them. How cool is that?

Surf's up, dude! Hang ten (fingers on the keyboard, that is)!