Friday, April 29, 2005

In case you were wondering

No, I have not found my keys yet.

But they weren't in the trash.

1 comment:

  1. lol Jana!
    Hey, how did you get the English thing on your thing to post without making all your sidebar go way down to the bottom? That's what happened to mine when I posted the test so I had to delete it. You must have happened to come across my blog at just the right time!
    Cute idea, to post chronological pics of baby, hmmm, I might steal that idea, okay?
    He's ADORABLE, by the way.
    I always dreamed of having a blue-eyed, blond haired baby. With CURLS! I didn't realize that could never happen with all my dark traits : ( (when I was little) long is this comment?!?! lol!
