Saturday, May 14, 2005

Stonehenge mystery solved!

What's the big mystery about Stonehenge? For years I've been fascinated by this question. Who put it there? How did they construct it? What was its purpose? Then suddenly the other day, while reading about the Intelligent Design debate (should ID be taught in schools alongside evolution?), it struck me. We've been overlooking the obvious.

Okay, bear with me here. According to Evolution, all life on earth came from primordial ooze and eventually humans appeared. I think it could be argued that humans are infinitely more complex than a bunch of boulders, no matter how they're arranged. So why should anyone think that Stonehenge was the result of some sort of intelligent design? Doesn't it make much more sense to say that those boulders just happened to arrange themselves there on Salisbury plain over a period of millions of year?

No, I don't believe in evolution. The book Scientific Creationism does a great job of explaining origins without using the Bible (which of course they wouldn't be able to use in schools). Some sort of intelligent design is just much more feasible than evolution. And why some people can see that when it comes to a bunch of rocks, and not see it when looking at the complexities of the human race, I will never understand.

PS - No nasty messages, please. If you disagree with me, I'm sure you can go find lots of other people who will agree with you.

1 comment:

  1. Mark -
    Yes, I had heard that, and say it myself. The breakdown in logic comes when people say there must be one because there is the other.

    Andy -
    Obviously, I was being very general and trying to demonstrate absurdity by being absurd. I understand plenty about evolution. Enough to know that it makes a lot less sense than ID. Have you read the book?
