Monday, May 09, 2005

When I was a kid...

I find myself feeling older and older all the time. Just this last week, I know I have told my children about a bunch of things that were different "when I was a kid." For example:
  • You had to watch whatever was on tv. You didn't have the option of recording something, watching a video, or popping in a DVD. Hence the reason so many of us can sing the Gilligan's Island theme song.
  • Computer games were text only.
  • You sent your pictures away to be developed, and you didn't see them until you got them back.
  • If you wanted to look up information, you got out your set of encyclopedias or you went to the library.
  • If you wanted to comparison shop, you either had to call a lot of stores, or go there in person.
  • Up until I was 11, any movies of me as a child are silent.
  • Up until I was 12 or so, if you didn't see a movie in the theater, you didn't see it.
  • I listened to music on records.
  • If you wanted to call someone and they were out, you didn't have any other way to get in touch with them. If they were really cutting edge, you might be able to leave them a message on their answering machine.
  • If you carried a calendar with you, it was paper.
  • You had to actually go to a physical bank location to do your banking.

Those are just the ones I can think of right now. But isn't it frightening? I will be 35 this year. Not so old. Just old enough to feel old. Even looking at that number makes me feel old. That's half of 70. Eek!

I am thrilled with all the advances technology has taken in the last 20 years. I really am. I just wish those changes didn't make me feel so ancient!

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