Tuesday, June 07, 2005

The only logical explanation

Okay, as some of you may remember, I lost my keys a while back. I searched the trash cans, I looked behind furniture, I looked places they couldn't possibly have been. I can't find them. Up until yesterday, I was positive that my 3-year-old had absconded with them and hidden them in some secret treasure box known only to him. Then suddenly, it hit me: the only logical explanation.

Every day, I spend a good hour or more cleaning my house. And every night, it looks about the same as it did before I cleaned it. Toys everywhere, food on the floor, random sippy cups scattered about, dirty clothes tossed near, but not in, the hamper. What could be responsible for this chaos? Surely not my darling sons.

It must be gremlins.

The only question was, how were they getting in? Answer: my keys. The day I lost them, I was distracted. I laid my keys on the counter instead of hanging them up out of gremlin reach. The gremlins took my keys. Then at night, after we were all asleep, they silently unlocked the front door and came in to check things out. No one about? Good. Let the destruction begin.

They've made their way into my car, as well. They left the interior lights on one night so the battery died. They spread peanuts all over the floor. They dumped a package of diapers I kept in there. They chewed all my gum.

Now, I know what you're thinking. How can I be so sure it was gremlins? You're right, I can't. I'm part Irish, so it could be leprechauns.


  1. oh shucks! I thought you were going to say you found them!! Well, the gremlins get into our house and car at night too, I'm sure of it. Busy little guys

  2. hi jana! thanks for dropping by my blog the other day... feel free to visit anytime!;)

    you call them gremlins, i call them the little people. they hide my earrings, my keys, pens and whatnot. i would yell, "ok, little people. you can borrow it for now but return it immediately." and Lord knows, they appear the following day...

  3. Sandy - oh, how I wish I'd found them. It's got me totally baffled. Nice to know the gremlins didn't single me out, though!

    Xtessa - Hi! Whatever you call 'em, I wish they'd give my keys back! You don't realize how much you use the little remote for your car until it's gone.

  4. LOL! The same thing happend at my house today! Did you have one of my spare keys on your keychain?! ;)
