Thursday, June 09, 2005

Tom Cruise can kiss my...

Okay, I know this is old news, but did you hear what Tom Cruise had to say about Brooke Shields' postpartum depression?

Cruise’s religion, Scientology, does not approve of mind-altering medication of any kind. “When someone says medication has helped them, it is to cope, it didn't cure anything. There is no science. There is nothing that can cure them whatsoever.”
Cruise went on to say that women should "take vitamins and exercise" and that Shields was "irresponsible" for promoting anti-depressants.

Oh, this is wrong on so many levels! I can tell you from personal experience with postpartum depression that vitamins and exercise do not work. If they do, it is not PPD. After all of my first three babies, I was actively exercising every day. I also take Nutrilite vitamins every day, arguably some of the best vitamins in the world. These things did not lessen or help my PPD at all, let alone cure it.

The only thing that took away the depression was anti-depressants. Period.

This last time around, I asked my OB to put me on something before the baby was born, so that it would start to take effect sooner and maybe I could avoid some of the problems I've had before. Does that make me "irresponsible"? I think it's just the opposite. I was taking on the responsibility of being a wife and mother by keeping myself well for those tasks. To have said "I can handle this myself. I don't need medicine," would have been irresponsible. I would have wound up in an ultimately selfish place where nothing mattered to me but feeding the depression. I would have been crying all day, staying in bed, not caring about teaching, cooking dinner, keeping the house clean. Is that responsible?

Shields responded, “Tom should stick to saving the world from aliens and let women who are experiencing postpartum depression decide what treatment options are best for them.”

That's right, Brooke. Because only the woman experiencing PPD can know what is helping her and what isn't. And maybe her doctor. But certainly not some professional actor who has never yet lived with a woman who has recently given birth. Maybe he and Katie will get married, have a few babies, and he'll begin to understand a few things. Until then, he should keep his mouth shut.


  1. oh, that irritates the hell out of me! he shouldn't be talking about something he didn't go through first-hand! or at least, by one of his wives!

    makes me want to boycott "War" now...

  2. Tom is so wrong at so many levels. I personally am glad that it is OK now to discuss the subject matter and that there are options. The feelings are real and it is a real problem...Good going Brook!!!

  3. I was so proud of Brooke for being open and telling the world about PPD, then when Tom made his comments, I just thought "he set her and PPD back a million years!" As a star, he has such a responsibility because people look up to him. Glad people are starting to see him as wacky now, with the whole scientology/crazy for Katie thing so it'll discredit him.

  4. Thanks for the comments. I really hope that this jerk hasn't caused some women who really need to help to stay home exercising and taking vitamins until they commit suicide or something. Go Brooke!

  5. You know, just because he is well known actor doesn't make him an authority on anything but acting. I get a little irritated when these superstars testify before congress, endorse a product, or even offer their "opinion" to the general public. Some people look to these people for guidance and they shouldn't. Their job is to entertain us, that is it.

    Luckily, I never had PPD. I will say, I would never belittle a person who willingly seeks out treatment to better themselves and the lives of those who surround them!

  6. Somebody needs to get Tom Cruise some Immodium for his severe case of verbal diahrea!

  7. Wow! What a pompous ---! I had PPD REALLY badly - on top of my regular run of the mill depression, which I had stopped taking meds for. It was AWFUL.

    And what is he talking about excercise? Yeah, sure, I was going to excercise right after I got the motivation to pull my unshowered for 3 days sobbing self off the floor.... What an idiot!

    So does he also think diabetics don't need insulin? ... Depression is caused by a chemical imbalance which needs to be corrected. It's not something you can just "will" away.

    I am SO annoyed.
