Wednesday, September 07, 2005

My Cuban Trip Part 4

While I am desperately searching the house for the journal I kept while on this trip, I will show you what we saw as we drove away from the Havana airport toward the city.

There were a lot of old American cars everywhere. This is the parking lot at the airport.

There were billboards every so often, which showed pictures of all the cool things there are to do in Cuba. There were no advertisements for any sort of product on the billboards. Then I started seeing billboards like this one:

These billboards are the government's way of subtly reminding its citizens about how wonderful their government is. This one touts the benefits of revolution (meaning Castro's revolution of 1959, not inciting a new one). I saw another that said simply, "Socialismo o muerte" (Socialism or death).

There was a big celebration going on in the city when we first arrived. They were celebrating the anniversary of the founding of Havana. Every street looked like the one here:

Okay, more later!

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