Wednesday, October 12, 2005

What to write, what to write...

Random things:

Apologies to Mama Duck , but I never went to a homecoming dance, let alone got crowned queen of one! So I will skip Way Back Wednesday this week.

Our church has been having its revival services this week - two meetings on Sunday, then one on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. I am singing at the one tonight. The pastor asked me personally! We have an amazing piano player at our church who can sight read like she's played the song a hundred times before. I wonder if she'd freak if I changed to a different song at the last minute?

I am fighting off a cold. Isaac and Noah both have runny noses and since they both commonly share food with me, I won't be terribly surprised if I get it, too.

Why can't people spell the name Isaac? He gets things labeled "Issac" all the time.

What should I buy with my birthday money? I can always think of a dozen DVDs I want, but maybe there's some cool gadget I'd enjoy just as much or more. Any suggestions?

As you can tell, my brain is all out of whack this morning, jumping from one thing to another like crazy. I've kind of been feeling that way all around lately. Hopefully things will clear up soon.

Have a great day!

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