Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Morning already?

It's one of those mornings where my brain just isn't awake yet. Hubby woke me up around 7:30 and then joked, "You got up yesterday, so why do you need to do it again today?" I mumbled, "Good point," and rolled over.

But I did get up, got my shower, came downstairs to get the baby out of bed. Went through all the motions. The whole time, all I was thinking was, "When do I get to go back to sleep?"

I'm sure the fog will lift once I've been up for a couple of hours and had my coffee. Until then, I'm just going to pretend this is a pleasant dream in which I am well-rested, my children are happy and playing quietly, and the sun is setting so I can go back to bed soon.

Good night.


  1. I hate mornings like those. I had one today. My brain is still sleeping I think.

  2. Does this mean I am in your dream?

  3. I have definitly had those days! You know you're getting old when you look forward to going to bed. LOL.
