Friday, February 16, 2007

Late on a Friday

I know it's Friday. But it's almost 3:30 and this is the first time I've sat down at the computer today. So no SPF for me today. My SIL was here helping me with the kids while Hubby was out of town. I always greatly appreciate that. And yes, she was able to fix the sweater!

The boys just came in from playing in the snow. Actually, playing ON the snow would be a more accurate description. There is a thick layer of ice almost everywhere, so thick I don't fall through it. It's perfect for sledding. I sent the two year old down the hill and he loved it. I even tried it a few times. My oldest couldn't get enough, eventually coming in only because he was so cold. And the best thing about it being ice and not snow is that everybody came inside completely dry.

So, have a great weekend everybody. I'm going to get some cleaning done and work on my novel a while.


  1. I'm glad the sweater is fixed, although it as a cat toy was kinda funny ;-)

    I was just thinking about chapter 2 today :-)

  2. Oh I wanna go sledging!
    I'm glad the sweater got fixed :-)
