Monday, December 19, 2005

In the ladies' room

Last night we were at a nice little restaurant celebrating hubby's upcoming birthday. At the end of the meal, I took the two older boys to the bathroom, thinking it would be just a minute. Joshua, unfortunately, was in it for the long haul. He went in the stall and shut the door.

A few minutes later, two little girls came in alone. They were maybe 3 and 6. I was in the other stall, but I could see the younger one crouch down and peek under Joshua's door.

"Who's in there?" she shrieked.

Joshua replied, "It's very rude to stick your head under the door like that."

She withdrew her head and repeated, "Who's in there?"

"I am."

"Who's in there?"

"My name is Joshua."

By this point, I was done, and the little girl went into the stall where I had been. But this did not shut her up.

"Are you still in there?"


"Well, get out. My sister has to make in there."

"I'm not done."

"Are you a girl?"


"You sound like a girl."

"I'm a boy."

"No you're not."

"Yes, I am!"

"What's your mother's name?" What this information would tell her I had no idea.


"But what's your mother's name?"


"But what is your mother's name?"


"Well, what's your baby sister's name?"

"I don't have a baby sister."

"So what's your baby sister's name?"

"I have a baby brother." I could hear Joshua's frustration with this girl. I was, of course, standing there laughing at them.

"But what's your baby sister's name?"

"We are all boys in my family. Except my mother."

"Oh." At last, the light of understanding dawned. "You really are a boy!"


  1. ROFL

    Kids are SOOOOOOOOO funny sometimes!

  2. That is too f'n funny! All I was thinking about was give the kid some privacy! LOL

  3. That is too funny! I have a feeling that the little girl's mother has her hands full.

    I've enjoyed reading through your blog. I'll be checking back. :)

    Merry Christmas!

  4. Oh my gosh! That is HILARIOUS! I would have been laughing so hard. And poor Joshua trying to do his business while this girl interogated him. LOL.

  5. Off topic: You've been Christmas tagged!

  6. That is very cute! Poor little guy!

  7. Now that was a cute story! Poor little guy, it's hard to answer questions when your trying to do your business....LOL
