Tuesday, August 01, 2006

In "Other" Words - 8/1

"There are two kinds of people:
those who
say to God, 'Thy will be done,'
and those to whom God says,
'All right, then, have it your way.'"

~ C.S. Lewis ~

I heard a wonderful message a few years back entitled "The Three Kings," by Mark Gorman. In it, he says that many people make the mistake of thinking that if you're not on Satan's side, you must be on God's side. But this isn't true. There is a third possible "king" in your life, and that king is you! God has given us free will, and we are free to use it. And because of our sin nature, we are not always going to choose the best thing. And God says, "All right, then, have it your way."

At the time I heard this message, we had recently found a church we liked after moving to a new area. We attended Sunday mornings, usually. Many mornings, we got such a late start that we just didn't go. And we never went on Sunday or Wednesday evenings. Now, there is no commandment in the Bible to attend every church service your church schedules. I didn't feel particularly guilty about missing so many of them. But then I heard this message and I realized I wasn't making God the King of this decision. It was me. And it shouldn't have been. I knew if God were making the decision for me, He'd like me to be there.

Since that time, we've regularly attended all three of our church's regular services. We've also become involved in the music ministry and helping out with Patch the Pirate Club. And believe me when I say that it would be much easier not to do those things. But again, I let God make that decision for me.

I'm not saying it's always easy, or that King Me doesn't still make some of the choices around here, but it's always the right choice to say, "Okay, Lord, you take this one. Whatever you decide is fine by me."


  1. Amen!! I call Sunday mornings "Satan attaks our family mornings".

    Great post.

  2. I can so relate to this, I have to push myself to attend church sometimes but at the end of my quarrel with myself about it I remind myself that I'm sure God wants me to go and to follow His will not mnie.
