Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Put your hand in mine

“Remember, we all stumble, every one of us.
That’s why it’s a comfort to go hand in hand.”
~ Emily Kimbrough ~

My senior year of college I remember feeling so discouraged. My fiance was in Texas and I was in Virginia. I had chosen to go to a women's liberal arts college, and after spending the last half of my junior year abroad, I returned to find that my only real Christian friend had not come back to school. I called her godparents, who lived there in town, and they told me she'd gone back home to Jamaica. But they would still be glad to give me a ride to church.

On the way there, Mr. Clark told me about a new Sunday School class for college age and under-30 folks. He showed me which building to go to, and I walked in, feeling very out-of-place. The youth pastor I'd gotten to know over the last few years had left, and I really didn't know anyone in the class.

By the end of Sunday school time, I knew I'd found my new support group. We were all laughing and joking and making plans to get together on Friday night for a prayer meeting. This wonderful group of friends were my lifeline throughout that year. If I ever felt down, I'd call one of them. One guy, Scott, was like a little brother. He was a brand-new Christian who constantly challenged me to find the joy in my salvation. Another guy, Ken, took me to my spring dance, just because he owned a tux. And every week we met to pray for each other.

I don't even want to think about how much harder that year would have been if I hadn't gone into that Sunday school class, if God hadn't sent those people to hold my hands. I will always be thankful for them.


  1. Oh how great it is the Lord provides us with a support system when he knows we need it most.

    Have a great day.

  2. We never know when we may be Jesus to someone in need. Praise God for those Sunday school classmates who opened their arms to you.

  3. That's so great that the Lord provides a support when we need it most. You were blessed to have spent so much of your life walking with the Lord.

  4. I always pray that I am able to pay those blessings forward.
