Friday, May 26, 2006

SPF - 5/26

This week, Kristine has requested the following:

Your suitcase: Bright purple. Let me tell you, it's really easy to spot this puppy on an airport conveyor belt!

Your ground: Most of what you see here is my ground. The barn on the left and the land beyond that is my neighbors'. This is just my front yard. We have four acres. I love having all this space for the boys to run around. Now you see why we desperately needed to find a new mower when ours broke!

Something to which you're powerless: The sweet, sweet sounds of Rockapella. Their website is here if you've never heard them. Oh, the bliss. This picture was taken in October 1995 at the very first Rockapella concert I ever attended. There's a whole long story behind this picture, which you can read here. Only two of these guys are still in the group: Scott, the gorgeous blonde high tenor, and Jeff, the one on the right, who's the vocal percussionist. They just keep getting better and better all the time, and they still make me go week in the knees.

Did you play?


  1. Rockapella?? Hmmmm. Never been.

    How nice that you have some space for your kids to roam. I'd love to have something like that when I finally buy a place!!

    And when we get luggage, sometime identifiable would be good!

    Happy SPF!

    I played at The Ramble Room
