Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Oh, grow up!

I was watching Dr. Phil the other day and he had this woman on there who was 22 and still slept with a blankie. She wore footie pajamas and had Spongebob sheets and wallpaper and Shrek dolls. She looked and acted like she was about 12. It was kind of sad. And she wanted to know if Dr. Phil could find her a guy who wouldn't mind all of this! And while I'm sure they are out there, I think she's missing the bigger picture.

If she would just act mature for a few years, enough to get married and have kids, then she could be as immature as she wanted for the rest of her life. It's undoubtedly a little odd for a 22 year old single woman to watch cartoons, but nobody thinks it's at all strange for a 32 year old mom to watch them. And when the kids grow up, soon there will be grandkids. You know which movies my parents have seen in the theater recently? Polar Express and Madagascar. And was that strange? Of course not - they had the grandkids along!

So my advice to this woman, should she ever see it, is to bite the bullet and be "mature" for a couple of years. Then, she and her kids can play Shrek together in a Spongebob papered room in their footie pajamas and the only comment people will have is, "How cute!"

Now I'm off to watch "Cyberchase" and eat some animal crackers.


  1. LOL Jana! That's hilarious! I also saw that Dr. Phil episode. I was more annoyed with that girl than anything. I think she was doing it for attention.... I never saw things from that perspective though. You're so right!!! ROFL!
