Friday, July 29, 2005

Self Portrait Friday

This is me in my favorite t-shirt, a Star Trek 25th anniversary shirt. For those of you without calculators, that makes this shirt 14 years old. It's a little faded, but it's holding up great. And of course, nothing screams geek quite like a Star Trek t-shirt.

Check out the other players on Katy's site.

Or try to get out of this room.


  1. WOW! 14 years old? and I thought mine was win!

  2. I have now gone completely crazy looking for a way out of the crimson room. GOod luck to the rest of you, I am now going to go wish this had never happend. I hate closterphobia. Its constricting.

  3. So I guess that means at one time you were a Trekee, or may be you still are?

  4. What's funny about this is as I was looking at this post I hear Star Trek Next Generation in the background - my husband is watching it right now during his lunch break! lol

  5. Oh Jana, I love the trekkie I tried to find my project graduation t-shirt from 1992. I think I must have finally sent it off to t-shirt heaven. I also have a question. Do you have any recommendations you could e-mail me, about references on homeschooling? I know my kids are still small, but I am really considering that option. Thanks sweetie.;)

  6. lmao!
    That shirt is awesome!

  7. Suzan - yes, I keep my favorites until they literally fall apart!

    Test-Pilot - if it's any consolation, I can't get out of the room either!

    MilMom - there will always be a place in my heart for Star Trek! I'm just waiting for the boys to be old enough to understand it so I can indoctrinate them into Trekdom, mwahahaha!

    LA Mommy - too funny!

    Lauren - hi! How did I do what, exactly?

    Katy - Thanks! I will be in touch about the homeschooling!

    Christie - thanks! I left a comment for you, too - you do NOT look preggers yet!

  8. September 8, 1966 the day StarTrek first aired and literally changed America. I delight to find Another Trekkie(s)! I loved StarTrek so much back in the 60s. I watched all the reruns and taped them then I bought almost all the program tapes. I have the 25 Year Anniversary on tape. Then I suddenly realized there is life outside StarTrek. [vacant blink] When did that happen?

  9. Well, well well, so we are all trapped in the crimson room together, well, I found a way out, and it has to do with the URL on the piece of paper. Go there, and you will find the real crimson room, the one that is actually get-out-able.

    No more hints. Unless you ask nice.
